Friday, May 25, 2012


So once in awhile I get an itch to write and it is usually about how my life keeps changing, how it keeps evolving into something I never knew it would.  Who knew that things could change so much?

You never know where life is going, you just roll with it and it takes you places you never even knew you would end up.  Some of it can be scary but most of it is exciting, a true adventure where you learn.  You learn to live like there is nothing holding you back, to enjoy the small things to the fullest and not take them for granted and to always be ready to roll again! 

In the past six months I have researched things I would have never thought I would need to research before, I have had to do some things that scared the bejesus out of me, I have searched for things I didn't know I was looking for until they were right in front of me, I have made some awesome new friends, found places I didn't realize could be so wonderful, said unexpected and much too early goodbyes to some beautiful little souls that have gone too soon, traveled to places I have never been and saw some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable, and rode on planes, trains, boats, cable cars and trolleys! 

Now I am about to open the next chapter of my life and although I might be nervous, I am excited!  I am excited because this is a chapter I have wanted to do since I watched my mother do it when I was little.  Volunteering at school/church.  She always made this look so fun and did it to be a part of our day, to make a difference.  I am volunteering at Ricky's first vacation bible school and although I am nervous I cannot wait to be a part of this and watch him learn!  Thanks mom for inspiring me :)

So here we go, rolling with the new, the scary, the exciting, and not sure where we will land but I will sure as heck have fun along the way and enjoy all the little things that the adventure has to offer!

"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
-Dr. Seuss