Friday, September 28, 2012

Mother of a "singleton"

I was recently given an article about parents of "singletons".  Although there are some things in the article I totally agree with there are also some things I don't take as personally as the author.  I'm not saying that being a mother of more than one child isn't difficult, I know it is!  However, being the mother of one child can be equally as challenging.  I may not be struggling to fit a baby carrier through the doors of the preschool while attempting to corral my 3 year old in at the same time and direct him to the correct area as he jumps around excitedly.  While some moms are doing that I am chasing my toddler through rock quarries and picking up his back pack that he threw and then rushing to pull his pants up in front of the church because he was trying to pee on a tree, then attempting to patiently wait while he decides it is necessary to walk the yellow lines in the parking lot before entering the school.  Whether you are a mother of one child or multiple children, we all feel crazy sometimes, we all need a break sometimes, we are all blessed with the children we have -- just don't feel like you are entitled to some kind of award because you have to chase more than one around.  Last time I checked the responsibilities for mothers were exactly the same no matter how many children you have.  Think of the mothers whose children left us too early, they don't get to complain that their children are running around like maniacs, their motherly responsibilities are much more complicated, but they are mothers nonetheless.

As far as being upset when people ask why I don't/can't have another child, I don't mind those questions.  I feel like the topics of conception issues, miscarriage, ectopic, still born and loss of an infant are far too often kept quiet like it is something you should be ashamed of.  If someone wants to ask why I don't have more than one child, I will gladly go through my two year attempt, to be informative, not to make you feel like a jerk or to get a pity party, but rather to show that there are issues out there that are not spoken of very often.

My point to all of this, we are all blessed, we are all mothers whether we have one child, 3 children or even little ones that have gone to wait for us in heaven.  We are all mothers just the same, support each other, it's a job full of surprises!

Here is the article:

Friday, May 25, 2012


So once in awhile I get an itch to write and it is usually about how my life keeps changing, how it keeps evolving into something I never knew it would.  Who knew that things could change so much?

You never know where life is going, you just roll with it and it takes you places you never even knew you would end up.  Some of it can be scary but most of it is exciting, a true adventure where you learn.  You learn to live like there is nothing holding you back, to enjoy the small things to the fullest and not take them for granted and to always be ready to roll again! 

In the past six months I have researched things I would have never thought I would need to research before, I have had to do some things that scared the bejesus out of me, I have searched for things I didn't know I was looking for until they were right in front of me, I have made some awesome new friends, found places I didn't realize could be so wonderful, said unexpected and much too early goodbyes to some beautiful little souls that have gone too soon, traveled to places I have never been and saw some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable, and rode on planes, trains, boats, cable cars and trolleys! 

Now I am about to open the next chapter of my life and although I might be nervous, I am excited!  I am excited because this is a chapter I have wanted to do since I watched my mother do it when I was little.  Volunteering at school/church.  She always made this look so fun and did it to be a part of our day, to make a difference.  I am volunteering at Ricky's first vacation bible school and although I am nervous I cannot wait to be a part of this and watch him learn!  Thanks mom for inspiring me :)

So here we go, rolling with the new, the scary, the exciting, and not sure where we will land but I will sure as heck have fun along the way and enjoy all the little things that the adventure has to offer!

"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
-Dr. Seuss

Friday, January 13, 2012

Have to steal my hugs and kisses

Goo Goo, Ga Ga, ziggle ziggle, whazat....the vocabulary of Ricky that seemed as though it would never change, that I wished would hurry and turn into recognizable words, are now mostly gone and I want them back!  My little man is fast approaching his 3rd birthday here in a few weeks, 3rd!!!  I find myself thinking a lot about my labor and delivery, remembering the first moments of being home with my precious child, looking at his tiny baby pictures, remembering the crawling, couch surfing and walking.  Now I am remembering the time when he used to not make any sense at all when he talked :)  We would laugh when he would point and ask whazat, whazat?  Now it's turned into full sentences, full questions and lots of repeating what you say!

With this new vocabulary has come a very literal child, once you tell him what something is or what something is called, if you change it later and call it something else, he will now correct you in a very matter of fact tone. 

Ricky was smacking his hands on the front storm door and Richard told him to stop hitting the glass and Ricky's response was "no daddy, that's not glass, this is a window".  Or the time I was changing his diaper in the morning and Ricky couldn't open the door for Richard when he left for work so Richard told him Kippy would do it and Ricky said "no daddy, Kippy not open the door, she not have hands".  Or the time at the Nat when we were swimming and he saw an older man in the pool and Ricky shouted "look mommy, big belly, big belly!".  Or if something smells strongly, such as a food or drink he will not eat it and will say "no it smells mommy" as he shrivels his nose and makes a big smelling sound.  He knows vehicles, if he sees a Toyota he will shout out "like Taylors car mommy!" or if he sees a Dodge truck he will shout "look mommy like daddy's dodge!" and if he sees a Hyundai that looks like mine or Richards he will point those out as well and sometimes I have no idea what he is talking about because I don't see it but usually you can find it in a parking lot far ahead or in the rear view mirror after you have passed it.  Most recently he has taken to telling me funny things like, if I tell him we are going to the store and he doesn't want to go he will say "no I not go to the store mommy, store's all gone, it's under the couch".  When he opened the door to the snow being melted from the yard he yelled "uhoh, snow's all gone, need to get more!".  We go through a lot of batteries with all his toys so he knows when he needs to get new batteries, so when we left the bank one day and passed a truck in the parking lot that was having a hard time starting he said "oh it's not work mom, truck needs new battery".  This has come a long way from the little man in a baby carrier who just looked around in amazement of the world, taking in everything around him, but to me its been a very short three years. 

Ricky uses a camera and takes pictures, he can navigate a phone to watch YouTube videos and look at pictures, he can play video games and is actually quite good at Mario Kart, he associates letters of the alphabet with people's names and will shout them out no matter where he sees them, he knows all his colors and most of his shapes, he can use the computer at the library, he loves to sit and read books, he will sit at the dinner table and yell out when he sees an airplane in the sky that is nothing more than a tiny speck with contrails behind it that I can barely see, he loves to pretend with his toys and he is becoming very independent, wanting to try things on his own first.  I am very proud of how big he is getting and how smart he is already. 

So I guess my whole thought today was that you can spend so much time wishing for your child to make it to the next step, to reach the next milestone, that you forget about how special right now is also.  So even though I might be busy sometimes when he asks for me to pick him up or to sit in my lap, I am making sure I stop what I am doing so that I can enjoy these moments. 

And just in case you were wondering, Ricky did not want to eat breakfast this morning, he told me "it's all gone mom, need to get more at the store".