Friday, January 13, 2012

Have to steal my hugs and kisses

Goo Goo, Ga Ga, ziggle ziggle, whazat....the vocabulary of Ricky that seemed as though it would never change, that I wished would hurry and turn into recognizable words, are now mostly gone and I want them back!  My little man is fast approaching his 3rd birthday here in a few weeks, 3rd!!!  I find myself thinking a lot about my labor and delivery, remembering the first moments of being home with my precious child, looking at his tiny baby pictures, remembering the crawling, couch surfing and walking.  Now I am remembering the time when he used to not make any sense at all when he talked :)  We would laugh when he would point and ask whazat, whazat?  Now it's turned into full sentences, full questions and lots of repeating what you say!

With this new vocabulary has come a very literal child, once you tell him what something is or what something is called, if you change it later and call it something else, he will now correct you in a very matter of fact tone. 

Ricky was smacking his hands on the front storm door and Richard told him to stop hitting the glass and Ricky's response was "no daddy, that's not glass, this is a window".  Or the time I was changing his diaper in the morning and Ricky couldn't open the door for Richard when he left for work so Richard told him Kippy would do it and Ricky said "no daddy, Kippy not open the door, she not have hands".  Or the time at the Nat when we were swimming and he saw an older man in the pool and Ricky shouted "look mommy, big belly, big belly!".  Or if something smells strongly, such as a food or drink he will not eat it and will say "no it smells mommy" as he shrivels his nose and makes a big smelling sound.  He knows vehicles, if he sees a Toyota he will shout out "like Taylors car mommy!" or if he sees a Dodge truck he will shout "look mommy like daddy's dodge!" and if he sees a Hyundai that looks like mine or Richards he will point those out as well and sometimes I have no idea what he is talking about because I don't see it but usually you can find it in a parking lot far ahead or in the rear view mirror after you have passed it.  Most recently he has taken to telling me funny things like, if I tell him we are going to the store and he doesn't want to go he will say "no I not go to the store mommy, store's all gone, it's under the couch".  When he opened the door to the snow being melted from the yard he yelled "uhoh, snow's all gone, need to get more!".  We go through a lot of batteries with all his toys so he knows when he needs to get new batteries, so when we left the bank one day and passed a truck in the parking lot that was having a hard time starting he said "oh it's not work mom, truck needs new battery".  This has come a long way from the little man in a baby carrier who just looked around in amazement of the world, taking in everything around him, but to me its been a very short three years. 

Ricky uses a camera and takes pictures, he can navigate a phone to watch YouTube videos and look at pictures, he can play video games and is actually quite good at Mario Kart, he associates letters of the alphabet with people's names and will shout them out no matter where he sees them, he knows all his colors and most of his shapes, he can use the computer at the library, he loves to sit and read books, he will sit at the dinner table and yell out when he sees an airplane in the sky that is nothing more than a tiny speck with contrails behind it that I can barely see, he loves to pretend with his toys and he is becoming very independent, wanting to try things on his own first.  I am very proud of how big he is getting and how smart he is already. 

So I guess my whole thought today was that you can spend so much time wishing for your child to make it to the next step, to reach the next milestone, that you forget about how special right now is also.  So even though I might be busy sometimes when he asks for me to pick him up or to sit in my lap, I am making sure I stop what I am doing so that I can enjoy these moments. 

And just in case you were wondering, Ricky did not want to eat breakfast this morning, he told me "it's all gone mom, need to get more at the store". 

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