Friday, September 28, 2012

Mother of a "singleton"

I was recently given an article about parents of "singletons".  Although there are some things in the article I totally agree with there are also some things I don't take as personally as the author.  I'm not saying that being a mother of more than one child isn't difficult, I know it is!  However, being the mother of one child can be equally as challenging.  I may not be struggling to fit a baby carrier through the doors of the preschool while attempting to corral my 3 year old in at the same time and direct him to the correct area as he jumps around excitedly.  While some moms are doing that I am chasing my toddler through rock quarries and picking up his back pack that he threw and then rushing to pull his pants up in front of the church because he was trying to pee on a tree, then attempting to patiently wait while he decides it is necessary to walk the yellow lines in the parking lot before entering the school.  Whether you are a mother of one child or multiple children, we all feel crazy sometimes, we all need a break sometimes, we are all blessed with the children we have -- just don't feel like you are entitled to some kind of award because you have to chase more than one around.  Last time I checked the responsibilities for mothers were exactly the same no matter how many children you have.  Think of the mothers whose children left us too early, they don't get to complain that their children are running around like maniacs, their motherly responsibilities are much more complicated, but they are mothers nonetheless.

As far as being upset when people ask why I don't/can't have another child, I don't mind those questions.  I feel like the topics of conception issues, miscarriage, ectopic, still born and loss of an infant are far too often kept quiet like it is something you should be ashamed of.  If someone wants to ask why I don't have more than one child, I will gladly go through my two year attempt, to be informative, not to make you feel like a jerk or to get a pity party, but rather to show that there are issues out there that are not spoken of very often.

My point to all of this, we are all blessed, we are all mothers whether we have one child, 3 children or even little ones that have gone to wait for us in heaven.  We are all mothers just the same, support each other, it's a job full of surprises!

Here is the article:

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